2004 Aggrawals Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Publication Experiment
Source: Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 5(1) 2004, p. 2
A Public Publication Experiment
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There are three things that we need in forensic entomology: More young researchers entering the badly paid and sometimes a little too exciting field, open discussion about possible flaws in our methods and PMI calculations, and access to information for scientists all over the world, allowing discussion and experimentation in all cultures, and independently from access to very expensive literature.
After the great success of the Forensic Entomology Special Issue in Forensic Sci Int 120(2001)1-160 (that even brought unexpected impact points to the editorial house), we decided that one thing would not come true fast enough if we did not do it quick, and by ourselves: A collection of cases and observations with as much raw data and photographs as possible.
Thanks to the responses of my colleagues, and thanks to Anil Aggraval who became more enthusiastic than any other journal editors yet, this special issue will go online at the same time that the European Association of Forensic Entomologists Meeting in London (March 28–30, 2004) takes place.
I am very proud of all of you who submitted articles, and wish to thank you very much. You knew that you would never receive an impact or citation point from one of the companies who sell these things. At the same time, I wish to thank Anil Aggrawal and Zeno Gerards who maintain and offer web space to put this issue out. Neither of them receives any money for their extra work. The same is, of course, true for the Guest Editor and the Main Reviewer.
It was not easy for the reviewers – most importantly Jeff Wells, who put in a lot of his time to not only read through the draft versions but also the final submissions of the articles – to decide which articles should be included. Jeff became the scientific brain of the operation whereas Anil encouraged me to include an interview, and a case report from a journalist. He also wanted photographs of us, the scientists, but we could not bring ourselves to include them in this .pdf version of the journal. Feel free to check the web site, and you may find some. (Be warned and do not expect too much, though: Forensic entomologists are considered to be yucky even by forensic pathologists.)
Finally, some technical points: This .pdf file has an actual resolution of 600 dpi (for photographs and drawings) but on the screen, you will most likely see a quick preview mode. Using a high resolution printer – ink preferred over laser – you should receive fine pictures. And hey, this special issue does indeed contain some excellent colour material. Any questions – send an E-mail to me.
Dear colleagues, students and forensic investigators in all types of countries and cultures – it was and is a serious pleasure to work and discuss with you. Stay tuned, and let ́s prepare the next generation to get ready.
Suggested readings
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